Monday, September 27, 2010

Rainy Monday

Today is such a rainy day. We were supposed to get rain this weekend, but it waited until Sunday night and has been raining all day today. I know we need it, but I really don't think it has stopped pouring for the last couple of hours. I love rainy days......but it was much nicer when I had no responsibilities and could just lay around and do nothing. Not today.....trying to get some work done now that Molly has been taking her nap for the last hour. She is getting so mobile now and I really think she completely tires herself out by the time naptime rolls around. A couple of months ago, I was fortunate enough to get her and Brody on the same nap schedule, which definitely makes life easier on the weekends. Luckily, she only took 2 naps for a short period of time and has been on a one nap schedule for a while now.

I am happy to report that her two bottom teeth have finally cut the gum. I was starting to get worried that she was going to be a toothless walker. She is very, very close to walking. She has taken a few steps while holding on to something so I feel like it is just a matter of time before she takes that first step on her own. She is definitely become really active which sometimes makes it difficult to watch both kids, especially since Brody is all over the place.

Speaking of Brody, he has become real cute with Molly sometimes. She of course wants whatever he has and he is not down for it. That really is the only time he gets upset with her. He always looks for her in the morning and when we go in there to get her ready, the minute he walks in her room, he says "There she is! Hi Molly!" Of course, her face lights up big time when she sees him. I posted a picture of Brody feeding her before, and yesterday, he wanted to feed her again. It only lasted a few minutes before he was shoving her off of him, but I was able to get a cute picture. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and tried to get that, but my camera didn't work fast enough! :(

Also, on Wednesday last week, I picked up the kids and when I went to pick up Brody, they told me that he peed and pooped on the potty during school! I know...TMI, but I was so freaking excited! I couldn't stop telling him how proud I was and he looked pretty happy himself! Of course, he hasn't gone since, but hey.....once is going in the right direction. I am really happy that they are working with him in school that way he is getting it there and home. I am hoping that it won't take too long, but I have to keep reminding myself that this is one thing I can't control. This is all Brody......I had a video I was going to post where we were talking about it, but for some reason, I keep getting an error when I try to post it. Oh well.....

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