Sunday, July 20, 2008

Change is good....I think!

On Saturday, we went to my friend Melissa's for a little get together. I had debated on whether to bring Brody or to have my parent's keep him for the night because I wanted to stay out past 8:00 pm. We have never stayed out later than 8:00 with him because I am such a stickler about his bedtime routine and have been afraid of what would happen if we weren't home by the time he eats and goes to bed. Call me crazy, I know, but the schedule he is on and the routine we have established works really well for him. Well, I decided to get "wild and crazy" and see how Brody would do if stayed out later.

My friend set up the pack-n-play for him to sleep in and I thought things could get interesting because he has never really slept in the pack-n-play before. We stuck to the bedtime routine (minus the bath) and after his bottle, I laid him in the pack-n-play and he was out! I checked on him a few times during the evening and he was sleeping like a champ. We decided to leave around 10:30 (I know, we are party animals!) and Ted picked him up (still sleeping, BTW) and put him in the car seat. He opened his eyes briefly for a moment while I was carrying him to the car, but fell fast asleep once we got going. Once we got home, I made the transition from the car seat into the crib and he didn't even wake up. He went right down and slept until 4:45 this morning (a total of 8.5 hours)
I was definitely relieved to know that he didn't seemed fazed about falling asleep one place and waking up in another! I was always afraid of changing things up because he is doing so well the way that things are. I guess I need to start realizing that he is pretty resilient and can handle change every now and then. He can....but I am having a harder time with it!

Also, I think I have given up the battle of him not sleeping in the crib during the day. My friends and family keep reminding me that he sleeps so well at night that not sleeping in the crib during the day doesn't seem to affect him. It apparently bothers me more than him. He has his 4 month appointment in the morning and I am going to ask his pediatrician for her suggestions. I am assuming she is going to say that as long as he is taking a nap during the day and he is sleeping good at night, let him sleep where he likes. I am starting to come to that realization. It only took me 4 months to get here! :)

So, here are a few pictures of Brody and Ethan in the pool on Saturday. Ethan volunteered to guide him around in the pool in the baby raft. I definitely think he is getting used to his big brother role!

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