Thursday, October 8, 2009

28 Weeks

I went to the doctor this morning for my 28 week appointment. I had an ultrasound, my glucose test and saw the doctor...what fun! They scheduled the ultrasound to see if my placenta had moved since it was considered low lying and on the tip of my cervix. It moved so that was good. Even if it hadn't, my doc said it wouldn't be an issue since I am having another c-section. It would have only caused issues if I wanted to dry and labor with this one, which I am definitely not going to do. They also measured her, which she is measuring perfectly. The ultrasound tech said she is measuring about 2 lbs. 9 oz, which is in the 45%. Ted and I joked that we don't know anything about being in that percentile since Brody has never been on the weight chart. I will be curious to see how she grows over the next couple weeks. I am going to have another ultrasound at 36 weeks to see how big she is at that point.

She also checked to make sure that she didn't grow an additional body part since my last ultrasound. Luckily, no extra goodies were in there. I told her we have her room 1/2 done so that definitely would have thrown us for a loop. So, all in all, the appointment went well. I will be curious to see what the results of my glucose test will be. Hopefully, I won't have to take the 3 hour one like last time.

Here are a few pics. She was all balled up and we had a hard time getting good pics of her. I told the doctor that she moves ALL the time...I swear this girl never sleeps. He said looks like I have an active little one---great. Spunky newborn and terrible twos---at the same time. What did we get into? Just kidding. I am so blessed that we have healthy children and there is nothing I can complain about.
We are going to have a 4D ultrasound done in a couple weeks which is exciting. These two are of her side profile. I can't wait to meet her!

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